Call for Papers

IWAMA International Workshop of Advanced Manufacturing and Automation – is an important international workshop for academic and industrial experts in the fields of advanced manufacturing and automation and will be organized as an annual event worldwide. Manufacturing and automation have assumed paramount importance and are vital factors for the maintenance and improvement of the economy of a nation and the quality of life. The field of manufacturing and automation is advancing at a rapid pace and new technologies are also emerging in the field. The challenges faced by today’s engineers are forcing them to keep on top of the emerging trends through continuous research and development.

IWAMA aims at providing a common platform for academics, researchers, practicing professionals, and experts from industries to interact and discuss trends and advances in some areas of manufacturing and automation while sharing ideas and perspectives.

Workshop Topics

These are the main topics of IWAMA2024, but the topics are not limited to these. Authors should select 2-3 topics when they submit their papers.

1. Industry 4.0 and 5.0

2. Robotics and Automation

3. AI &Computational Intelligence

4. Intelligent Manufactory

5. Design and Optimization

6. Product Life-cycle Management

7. Advanced Manufacturing Systems

8. Manufacturing Operations Management

9. Smart AquacultureTechnology

10. Knowledge Management and Decision Making

11. Manufacturing Quality Control and Management

12. Sustainable Production

13. Diagnosis and Prognosis of Machines

14. Lean and Agile Manufacturing

15. Virtual and Grid Manufacturing

16. Resource and Asset Management

17. Logistics and Supply Chain Management

18. Fashion Logistics and Marketing

19. RFID Applications

20. Predictive and Cognitive Maintenance

21. 3D Printing

22. Intelligent Inspection

23. Chemical Process Equipment

24. Parallel Mechanism and Manipulator

25. Integration of CAD/CAPP/CAM/CIMS

26. Smart Factory